Graduate School of Education

The Faculty of Educational Studies provides students with specialized knowledge and skills required for professionals in education, refining each student's personal development as future educators. The curriculums are so extensively structured that the subject areas covered, including education, psychology, linguistics, social sciences, mathematics, human physiology, physical education (theory and practice), fine arts (theory and practice), home economics, technology, education for children with special needs, and medical care, embrace almost all major academic disciplines taught at a university, which is perhaps the strongest aspect of this program.
Major in School Education
The curriculums are divided into education and psychology, which are designed to equip students with reinforced theoretical perspectives and specialized research methods required for effective and practical teaching at school.
Major in Education of children with Disabilities
The purpose of this program is to foster advanced research and practice skills needed in education for children with special needs. Students are encouraged to view and seek solutions for various difficulties and issues faced by children from multilateral perspectives based on education, psychology, and physiology.
Major in Education for School Subjects
The purpose is to nurture the capacity for advanced research and practice in accordance with the curriculums for each subject. The subject areas covered in this major include Japanese language, social studies, mathematics, science, music, art, health and physical education, technology, home economics, and 365体育官网_365体育备用-【官方授权牌照】 vocational education.
Major in School Nurse Education
The curriculums are divided into education and psychology, which are designed to equip students with reinforced theoretical perspectives and specialized research methods required for effective and practical teaching at school.
Major in Clinical Psychology for School
The purpose of this program is to educate students so that they may professionally utilize clinical research and related findings as to the efficacy of support for people with psychological disorders. The program meets the requirements for the qualifications as clinical psychologist and school psychologist and is intended to train active practitioners to accommodate diverse circumstances especially at school as experts in clinical psychology.